30 Years of Skylight

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Dec 29 2012

Skylights For Homes – How Do You Choose The Best One?

When it comes to installing skylights for homes, you need to put in a lot of thought with regard to two aspects. Firstly, you need to choose the best skylight for your home. Secondly, you need to choose the right contractor. To begin with, consider the different styles of skylights available. You can choose among fixed skylights, tubular skylights and ventilating skylights. Fixed skylights, as the name indicates, come with fixed glass panes. They cannot be opened like a window. Tubular skylights are good for small roofs. They are smaller in size and circular in shape. You can rely on tubular skylights for good sunlight and energy savings. The third kind is the ventilating skylight. The glass panes of these skylights are not fixed. They can be opened and closed depending on your requirement. Ventilating skylights are available with remote control access for heightened convenience. In addition to making the basic choice, you can also choose accessories such as blinders. These are very functional since they help you regulate the amount of sunlight and heat that flows into your home. Finally, you need to decide the right spot for installation. The best place is the eastern direction of your home because the morning sunlight can flow in. It keeps your home bright all through the day.
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Dec 29 2012

Consider Skylight Repair or Be Ready To Splurge Money on Replacement

Skylights are some of the most useful accessories in your home structure, especially if your home is not illuminated with good amount of light through the windows. In addition bringing in light, skylights also bring in warmth and keep your home very cozy and comfortable. Although having a skylight is a pleasure, it could be the root cause of several problems if it begins to leak or develops any other sort of problem. So, at the sign of slightest damage, you need to get it repaired immediately, lest you end up spending much more on replacement. When repaired early, skylights cause minimal damage. However, if you allow the leaks to continue, you not only have to bear cost of replacing the skylight, but also replacing several other things in the house. For instance, a leaky skylight can cause excessive humidity and moisture inside the house and ruin the carpets. Your wallpapers could end up peeling off the walls. If you continue to ignore damage or repair, the elements used in construction of your home might be damaged and lead to serious structural instability of the home. Although this happens only in the worst cases, it is important to know about the consequences so that you can hasten with the repair of your skylight.
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Dec 29 2012

Skylights Installation – 4 Advantages That You Cannot Deny

Skylights are some of the most useful inclusions that you can make to your home. If you are speculating on the worth of spending money to install a skylight, here are four reasons that can convince you to go for it. Natural light is extremely therapeutic. When sunlight streams into a room, the space becomes lively. It lifts the moods of people living in the space. However, if your home is located between tall buildings and the scope for natural lighting is low, you should install a skylight so that you can let natural light into the space. Skylights are cost effective in the long run because they help you save electricity bills. With natural light seeping into the room, you do not have to use lights during the day. Also, skylights keep the room warm. So, you save the energy spent on heating. If you live in a hot place, you can use blinds to cover the skylight and control the amount of heat and light streaming in. Skylights can help you save around 20 percent of energy. Since they save energy, skylights make your home green. An eco friendly home is a pleasure to live in. Fourthly, skylights add value to your home architecturally, in terms of energy efficiency and monetary value.
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Dec 29 2012

Skylights for Homes – How to Care for Them and Prolong Their Durability

Skylights, like everything else in your home, require maintenance. If you do it right, your skylights remain intact for years. Here are a few care tips. 1. The interior and exterior surfaces of skylights need thorough washing and cleaning twice a year. However, do it on a cloudy day because the cleaning solution could streak the pane on a sunny day. 2. Make sure that you follow all safety precautions while cleaning. Use a safe ladder and do not attempt it when you are alone at home. 3. Follow instructions given on the packaging of cleaning materials. 4. Use a soft sponge and good quality materials for cleaning. Rough sponge and poor quality cleaners can scratch and ruin the skylight. 5. Clean in a single direction and clean all the panes evenly. 6. Use materials that are suitable for your skylight. For example, glass cleaners are not recommended if your skylight is made up of plastic. 7. Do not leave residue moisture on the pane after cleaning. Wipe it dry using a soft dry cloth. Be more careful if the skylight is horizontal. 8. Inspect the skylight after every season to identify signs of damage. Be very keen on observation after windy storms, rains and hailstorms. 9. If you identify cracks or breaks and excessive leakage, replace the skylight by hiring a professional.
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Dec 29 2012

Should You Replace Your Skylight or Rather Repair It?

A damaged skylight can lead to a lot of undesirable repercussions. The most common problem with a skylight is leaks. In order to save money and a lot of trouble, it is important for the skylight to be repaired as soon as possible. However, in some instances, repair is not the solution. The extent of damage usually decides whether to replace the skylight or rather just repair it. However, unless you are an expert on the subject, do not gamble with the safety of your home. Hire an expert who can decide whether to repair or replace. Whether you choose to repair or replace, you need to make sure that the job is done on time. The more you delay, the more severe is the damage. Moreover, a damage that could be repaired might blow out of proportion and need replacement of the entire skylight. Damage to skylights is caused due to a number of factors. One of the most common reasons is faulty installation. Skylights could also be damaged due to wind, bad weather, ice buildup and several other reasons. So, at the slightest sign of damage, be sure to hire a specialist so that your skylight can be repaired quickly and can save you a significant amount of money.
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How Do You Find The Problem Source When Doing Skylight Repair? Feb 06, 2015

How Do You Prevent Leaks From Skylights? Feb 04, 2015

How To Make Your Home Brighter With Skylights Feb 02, 2015

Keeping Your Skylights In A Tip Top Condition Jan 09, 2015

Where Should You Incorporate The Use Of Skylights In The Home? Jan 09, 2015
