30 Years of Skylight

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Jan 09 2015

Where Should You Incorporate The Use Of Skylights In The Home?

You can never run out of great ideas of making your house look incredibly stylish. One such idea is fixing a skylight on your roof.  These are timeless solutions for homeowners who do not have enough wall openings for letting in adequate natural lighting. When fixed at the center of a room they serve as focal points that let in direct sunlight consequently illuminating a room with natural light adequately hence you do not need to use any form of artificial light. However, when it comes to décor, you must ensure that the skylight materials that you go for are those that suit the overall character as well as the design of your house or building.

Skylights are nowadays available in a wide array of designs, shapes, colors glazing’s as well as models that are specifically designed for residential areas. If you shop around and do not find one that is most ideal for your home, style, they you can have one custom made and installed in your home. Also make sure that you get one that is made of quality materials if at all this fixture is to serve you for many years. High quality installation done by a qualified installer will surely guarantee you a reduction in your energy costs whilst increasing the health benefits that your family members derive from adequate natural lighting in the home. So what are some of the best place to incorporate a skylight in the home? Here are our top suggestions

The kitchen

The kitchen is one of those areas that just have to be well lit in order for your family member to perform their kitchen chores optimally. Light from above coming from a skylight enables people to carry out delicate functions such as peeling and chopping with ease. Another benefit of skylight installation that you probably have not realized is that it leaves up enough wall space to use for other kitchen furnishings the likes of cabinets and countertops.  Vented options allow effective ventilation in the kitchen; you do not want to choke due to smoke from burnt food, do you?  The vents in the skylight are a perfect escape for several kitchen orders, leaving your air clean and fresh.

The master bedroom

This is one of those areas that you probably never thought that a skylight would be a priceless addition. Rather than staring the whole night at a bare ceiling why not install a skylight and drift away to dreamland as you enjoy a perfect view of beautiful stars. In addition, this fixture offers effective lighting in the master bedroom without compromising your privacy requirements in any way. You can fix skylight blackout blind to block natural light in the event that you do not require too much lighting in the bedroom.  Manual blinds are the most common in the market. You can operate remote controlled ones right from the convenience and comfort of your bed. However, as you choose these blinds ensure that they match the overall décor as well as the design of the master bedroom.


Installing a skylight in your bathrooms is one of the best decisions that you will ever make your entire life.  You get to enjoy the benefits of day lighting without having to make a compromise when it comes to privacy issue well not unless you have someone maneuvering around your roof with a telescope.  You may want to dispute the idea of installing a skylight probably because you are tempted into thinking that they will lock a substantial amount of moisture in the room. If such are your concerns, go for venting ones that allow free air circulation in your bathroom.  If your ceilings are too high, then it is advisable to choose electric venting skylights. Such fixtures incorporate rain sensors that prompt them to close immediately it starts raining. Additionally, with a well-lit bathroom, members of the family, especially children can easily carry out their bathroom activities such as shaving, therefore greatly reducing chances of succumbing to accidents in the bathroom


In case you have a converted attic, properly install skylight is a great idea.  You can install manually operated ones as the roof is too low and you can easily access the skylight.  During the summer season, these fixtures will offer more ventilation as compared to traditional vertical windows.  Also in case you did not know roof windows are also great emergency escapes in the event of an unfortunate vent such as a fire in the lower rooms of the house.  In addition, if you have an additional room where your family member or children go to hang out tin and just chat or play, you can install a skylight for adequate day lighting. Choose those with blinds so that you can easily regulate the amounts of light to meet the preferences of all persons sharing the room.


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