30 Years of Skylight

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Aug 05 2014

Guidelines To Care For Your Skylights For The Best Lighting Experience

When you decide to install skylights in your home, you are making a great decision in as far as enhancing comfort is concerned. Not only will you create an indoor atmosphere that is beautiful and comfortable, you will also help to enhance energy efficiency in your home. To get the most from your skylights or roof windows, you have to make sure that they are clean and maintained in the best condition. Remember that a thick film of dust on the windows will mean that you are not getting full benefits from the unit. By following the right care and maintenance guidelines, you can enjoy the best day-lighting experience.

Ensuring safety during maintenance

Skylights are installed on the roof and this means that they are often out of reach. It is obvious that you will need equipment like ladders and scaffolding to reach the skylights during maintenance. Ensuring safety during this time is very important and you should follow the manufacturer's instructions to operate the equipment safely. Make sure that you use fall protection where necessary and know your safety limits. Remember that falling from the roof can result in serious injury or even death.

Cleaning the skylight glass

When you decide to clean the glass, the first thing you need to do is to choose the best time for the job. To ensure the best results, you should avoid cleaning the skylights when it is hot. Choose a cool time of the day to do the cleaning and if you have several rows of skylights, begin at the top and work your way down. Use clean water and soap to soak the skylight glass in order to loosen dirt and debris. Use a non-abrasive applicator or glass cleaner to clean the glass surface before rinsing off the cleaning solution.

Choosing cleaning equipment

For cleaning the glass, you will need a lint free cloth or a squeegee. Do not drag any abrasive tools across the glass surface. Avoid using blades, metal scrapers or knives as these can cause scratches or permanent damage on the surface. If you are trying to remove paint, tree sap or stubborn spots, use scraping tools designed for glass cleaning. The more frequently you clean the skylight glass, the easier it will be to avoid the use of scrapers. Clean the dirt the moment it appears on the surface.

Cleaning the skylight interior

Cleaning the skylight is not confined just to the glass surface. You also need to clean the frame to ensure that the entire unit is in the best condition. There are different types of skylight designs and they can come with pre-painted wood frame or plastic frames that are virtually maintenance free. Choose the material that will work best with your home design. You can use a damp cloth to clean the surfaces and if they have tough dirt spots, a warm soapy solution can work perfectly to remove them. If you have installed insect screens on the skylights, remove them and clean them by spraying water using a hose.

Cleaning the exterior

If you experience regular rain in your area, chances are that the rain is keeping most of the grime and dirt from the exterior surfaces. You will, however, need to clean the exterior cladding using a mild soapy solution. Do not use abrasive cleaners or equipment to avoid scratching the finish. Rinse the surface carefully using clean water to remove any soap residue on the cladding. It may be a good idea to get professional cleaning to get the best results.

Regular inspection of the skylights

You can ensure that your skylights are in the best condition by getting regular inspection. Make sure that the skylights are free from debris as buildup of dirt could lead to leaks. A professional inspection will help to ensure that the fasteners are secure. This is especially important if you have multiple skylights installed together in a group. The expert will inspect the flashing and cladding to look for scratches or excessive wear on the finish. While scratches can be fixed with a simple paint touch up, serious damage will require replacement of the unit.

Condensation on the skylight

It is important to know that condensation is not necessarily a sign of a skylight defect. The atmospheric environment in both the interior and the exterior causes this condition. Condensation occurs when warm moist air comes into contact with the cool skylight glass surface. While it is not possible to control the exterior conditions, you can control condensation inside the home. There are various solutions available and you can talk to a skylight expert about ways to control condensation.

When carrying out maintenance on venting skylights that are electrically operated, make sure that the power is off, as this will help to avoid injuries. Wipe the skylights using a clean and dry towel and avoid using solvents.


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